The Very Hungry Caterpillar

kids books Aug 29, 2021

This book has been extremely popular over the last decade but in case you haven’t heard about it yet, I introduce you to :

"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" ! 

We’ve had our copy for almost a decade, since my firstborn was a baby and it is a little...ahem...well-loved. So excuse the stains and the tape holding it together - they don’t seem to bother my littlest who has been delighted by this book for the last three years. 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is such a lovely book for babies and toddlers. Apart from the bright colours, pretty pictures, and hard-wearing cardboard (that has weathered a couple of teething babies) this is a simple story that teaches numbers (up to five), days of the week and my favourite (of course) - the value of eating healthy food. (“Remember how the caterpillar got a tummy ache? Let’s eat a nice green leaf.” Books are fabulous teaching tools.)

[If you are planning a party the internets are abound with gorgeous “hungry caterpillar” themed party ideas! I tried to convince each of my children to have a Hungry Caterpillar party when they were young but only my youngest was keen on the idea...alas, his weaning party happened during lockdown so it was a tiny housebound affair.]

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