Mud kitchens and letting go

parenting Oct 11, 2021

This is your reminder that you don't NEED a pinterest or instagram worthy mud-kitchen (play area, garden, sand pit - insert what applies to you) for your kids to enjoy themselves.

Spring is here and we're spending so much more time outdoors, alhamdulillah (praise God). 🌸

My kids "made" this mud-kitchen themselves. They're playing with some water, lots of mud, empty yogurt tubs, plants, an old tea set and a spade. They're learning loads (about measuring and mixing, consistency and texture, properties of natural materials etc) and having tons of fun with their imaginative play. ❤️

I've been wanting to make them a "proper" mud-kitchen/outdoor play area for ages but I've never had time and I've since realised that it's okay to let that idea go. Would it make our outdoor area look prettier? Probably. Would they enjoy it? I'm sure they would. But it's okay if we don't do it too, they're still having fun.

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