Miswaks (Natural Toothbrush)

self development Aug 29, 2021

I need duas (prayers) . 

For years I have been trying to adopt the sunnah (prophetic practice) of using a miswak (like a natural toothbrush) regularly. I love that it is a sunnah and I also love how clean and smooth my teeth feel when I use a miswak (far superior to any toothbrush!)

My problem: I constantly lose my miswaks. I know it sounds funny but I honestly cannot keep track of where they go.

A few years ago a teacher of mine recommended a good way of getting into the habit of using a miswak. She suggested that we leave miswaks in different places so that one is always easily accessible - if you have multiple bathrooms in the house, leave one in every bathroom, leave one in your car, leave one in your handbag etc. 

Guys, I did this and you know what? I STILL lost them. Every. Single. One.  I’ve done this multiple times now. They occasionally turn up in different places but I never recover them all. My husband laughs at me as he watches me buy miswaks in bulk (and also jealously guards his own miswak lest I borrow it and lose it too.) 

What rubs it in is that I recently studied and memorised a hadith which is to this effect: 

“The miswaak is a purifier of the mouth and a pleaser of The Lord.” 

So I’m determined to try again (there’s rewards in the striving, right?). Which is why I need your duas. I also need advice.  I've just embarked on another bulk miswaak buy, so tell me, do you use a miswak? And if so, HOW ON EARTH do you keep track of it? 

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