Islamic Birth - Positive Birth Through Surah Maryam

birth birthwithintention positivebirth positivebirththroughsurahmaryam surahmaryam Aug 14, 2023

I’m not a midwife, a doula or an obgyn. So why should you take MY course Positive Birth Through Surah Maryam?


You see, the fact that I’m not a doula, midwife or obgyn…that’s kind of the point.


I love midwives, doulas and  gynaes who support natural birth – and I leaned on them (and learnt from them) a lot during my pregnancies and births.




Number One:


I’m an outsider, like you.


When I fell pregnant with my first baby twelve years ago, I knew almost nothing about pregnancy and birth. About gynaecologists, midwives, doulas. About hospitals, birth centres and homebirths. About labour.


So how did I manage to have four natural, positive births?


I did my research, I applied what I learnt, and I made dua (lots of dua).


I can teach you how I got there.

Not from within the system, but from outside.  Where you probably are too.


Number Two:


I have nothing to gain from you taking the advice in my course.


You can’t hire me to care for you during your pregnancy or during your birth. I make no money from referring you to care providers, birth workers, hospitals or birth centres.


I am on the outside. I am affiliated to no one.


No financial incentives.


You take my course to learn your options, and YOU decide what to do with them.  


So why do I offer Positive Birth Through Surah Maryam?


Twelve years ago I was scared of labour and childbirth.

Through my research I learned that childbirth can be positive, empowering and, sometimes, even pain-free. I discovered that the steps I took to achieve a natural, positive birth – they are all in Surah Maryam.




The narrative that natural birth is a horrifying experience that women have to go through – that doesn’t serve our ummah.


The fact that birth has become so medicalised that women are disempowered from the very beginning of their journey to motherhood – that doesn’t serve our ummah.


The fact that birth through serious abdominal surgery is becoming commonplace – that does’nt serve our ummah.


Our ummah needs strong empowered women who trust that Allah swt made their bodies and the process of birth in a perfect way. Women who aren’t scared of birth.


Our ummah needs strong empowered mothers who know their options and can advocate for their children and themselves.


And THAT is why you should take Positive Birth Through Surah Maryam.

Join us on the road to living with intention by taking one of our courses!

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