How to make Quran Reading a Habit

habits islamic self development quran self development Aug 14, 2023


For a while now I’ve neglected my habit of reading Quran at least one page, once daily.  picked it up again recently and I now find myself wanting to read more through the day. Subhanallah.  


It made me remember that:


If you read a little Quran…or say a little dhikr…

You’ll start wanting to read more. Your heart starts inclining that way.


You know that Hadith Qudsi where Allah swt says if you walk to Him, He will run to you? (Sahih Al Bukhari 7405)

 I’ve experienced it.


Doing it isn’t hard. But STARTING can be.


I have a few suggestions to make it easier to start:


  1. Start small. Make it easy for yourself.


Commit to one page a day. Or one ayah. Or even one line.

The trick to staying consistent is to make it so easy that you can fit it into your life.


  1. Put your Quran somewhere visible.


Seeing it will reminds you of your commitment to read. If you’re reading on an app – put the app front and centre on your homepage.


  1. Choose a time and write down your intention.


Having it in writing makes it more concrete – and makes it more likely you will do it.


  1. Find someone who wants to develop the same habit as you, and check in on each other.


This works particularly well if you’re the type of person who feels accountable towards others.


  1. Link your Quran reading to something you already do every day.


You could choose to read your portion of Quran after a salah (a bonus of this is that you will already have wudhu - one less obstacle). Or if you check social media every evening, commit to reading your Quran before you open your social media apps.



Have you tried any of these strategies? If so, let me know how it has worked for you in the comments!






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