Healthy Golden Milk Kheer (rice pudding)

food Oct 11, 2021

I think I owe most of my creativity in the kitchen to the fact that I'm often trying to repurpose leftovers to make them more appealing to my kids 😂

This dish was born out of having leftover rice that no one was eating. Until I tossed it into a pot and converted it into dessert-for-breakfast 😎

I used a few simple ingredients :

▪️Cooked rice (you can use uncooked if you want to make it from scratch, but it will take longer to make)

▪️Milk (pref grassfed) . Enough to barely cover the rice. (Use less milk to get a thick consistency to eat like pudding or more to make it into a warming drink.)

▪️A bit of tumeric (powder or slices of fresh tumeric root)

▪️Ginger (optional - a few slices of fresh ginger)

▪️A pinch of black pepper (to activate the curcumin in the tumeric)

▪️Raw honey (sweeten to taste)

Put the first 5 ingredients together in a pot and bring to a boil (if using uncooked rice, cook till done). Leave to cool, sweeten with raw honey and decorate as desired.

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