
Welcome to Live With Intention. 


I’m Fatima, a Harvard educated attorney turned homeschool-mom on my own journey to intentional living. In this space I share what I've learnt;  through my blog and in my online courses.

My focus is on pregnancy, parenting, homeschooling, tayib eating and intentional living.   

Join me to start living with intention!


deliberate intention sows the seeds for great action

My own journey through marriage, pregnancy and birth, parenting, educating my children and moving towards a tayib lifestyle has taken time, research and trial and error through my life experiences. In my courses I share what I've learnt to help you move through life more intentionally. After all, "actions are judged by intentions". 


“Fatima has a way of summarising and explaining things in a way that makes it instantly understandable, practical and easy to take action on."

R Tayob



Married with Intention

Islamic marriages are, in essence, legal contractual agreements. Learn how to craft your marriage contract with intention by taking our marriage course.

Coming soon

Birthing withĀ Intention

Instead of being afraid of birth, empower yourself to have a positive natural birthing experience with one of our birthing courses.

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Educate with Intention 

Have you ever wanted to take control of your children's education but you're not sure what home education is or if it is a good fit for you and your family? Explore our home education courses to find out. 

Coming soon

Want to read more about my personal journey living with intention?

Browse through our blog! 

Go to Blog

Building a Love for the Masjid: A Journey of Faith with My Kids

Oct 03, 2024

How to (gently) wean a breastfeeding 2 year old

Jul 23, 2024

Mothering a Toddler

Jan 25, 2024


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